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Sunday, October 29, 2006


Hi all! I apologise for moi absence for these few weeks. I've been, say, Occupied. Fasting month involved trawih prayers,and prior to Hari Raya, had alot of work. Fyp too! So erm, yea, plus my net sucks bigtime so it always always spoils my mood when im about to blog. =P

Anw, it's raya time! and our celebration is one month people, not one day, so yahooooo! I hope its not too late for me too wish all of you out there, "SELAMAT HARI RAYA! MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN!kalau ada apape salah silap saya da buat dgn sengaja atau tidak, maafkan saya ye?"

Only thing is the drag of quizzes that are upcoming and basically, last sem is a drag.

Anw, this year on the first day, my family went white. we didnt take a family photo of course due to the lack of digicams. haha nvm, lemme show you MY uniform for that day.

Nice? hahahah.

Anw, me and nurul just got myself a new phone! the new W810i! heheh, hotness i tell you,walkman mp3,2 megapix cam,EDGE technology all in one phone. heh heh, thanks baby for helping me yeah? Seriosly, couldn't have got it without her assistance la. the pics above were taken using N7610. pics using w810i will be coming up soon yea. total difference i tell ya.well anw, i'm happy that i got that gadget after a month plus of waitinnng.patience pays? hell yeah.

Ok thats that, anw things are going happily fine and dandy! i am super happy and i really love you nurul! thanks for everything yeah, and sorry that i sometimes suck.

signing out. till then.

cinaboy laid bare @ 10:51 AM

Saturday, October 28, 2006

selamat hari raya

sorry this came 5 days late, but to all those who know me:

selamat hari raya aidilfitri,
maaf zahir dan batin.
kalau ada apa2 salah/silap yg dilakukan, meskipun sengaja atau tidak, tolong maaf kan ye?


anw some pics from that day. no family photo though, sad right? ;p

some random cute baby.

and a few from hari raya eve:

anw i'm not feeling particularly great right now.

sometimes i wonder if the reason i end up feeling lousy often is because i don't invest enough effort into making it work. sigh.

nj laid bare @ 11:37 PM

Sunday, October 22, 2006

about saying sorry.

ok i got this off one of those friendster bulletin posts and i thought it's pretty interesting and useful, too. :)

&& keep in mind that this does not necessarily have to apply ONLY to men cuz i feel that it works the other way round as well.

Many men believe that it is wrong to say "sorry" to a woman. There are even some dating coaches who teach men to say "too bad" instead of "sorry" to a woman whenever they make a mistake.

I disagree.

I think it's perfectly okay to say "sorry" to a woman as long as:

1) You have a real reason to say it.
2) You don't repeat it.
3) You don't ask for forgiveness.

A real man shouldn't be afraid of admitting his own mistakes. If he screws up really badly, he shouldn't be afraid to apologize to anyone. Just apologize, and let it go.

After all, part of being a man is accept responsibility for your own action.

What you DON'T want to do, however, is to keep on begging a woman for forgiveness.

A lot of men who do apologize to women make the mistake of apologizing "too much".

The human mind is very interesting. If you "keep on" saying "sorry" to a woman, she is going to get on a power trip and keep "pretending" that she's mad at you in order to hear more - until she actually BELIEVES that she's mad at you. Sometimes, they will eventually forget WHY they are mad at you, but STAY MAD at you anyway in order to keep the upper hand.

So...instead of begging for forgiveness, just say "sorry", admit you've made a mistake, and change topics. If she's really mad at you, leave her alone and let her blow up some steam. But don't ask for forgiveness. You've already apologized. Asking for forgiveness won't do you any good.

Lastly, be careful about saying "sorry" if you're one of those guys who are "always sorry". While there is no problem with saying "sorry" when you have made a big mistake, you should NOT apologize for everything you do on a date.

- ashamedly, i admit to being one of those women going on the 'power trips' mentioned in this. :(

nj laid bare @ 1:52 AM

Friday, October 20, 2006

ok i definitely can't go to sleep.

i tried reading descartes's second meditation supposedly in preparation for tmrw's philosophy lecture, but that still did not succeed in making me sleepy! :(

i tried calling yan, but he's zonked out. anw tmrw he has a practical session for which he absolutely cannot be late, cuz they're going to boon lay to buy fish for their practical session or something along those lines, so i'd rather not bother him.

though he's probably the best person i should talk to, to get rid of the unwanted rubbish that's stubbornly harboured in my heart and mind.

i am honestly very confused right now. but if there's one thing i'm not confused about, it would be that i love yan very much. really.

well then that's all i want to say. bye.

nj laid bare @ 1:39 AM

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

first time at arnold's.

last thursday i followed yan and his ncc friends to arnold's for buka. it's this kfc-ish place somewhere in geylang which sells fried chicken, whipped potatoes, coleslaw and the likes which was prettyyy delicious.

but as we all know, delicious = fatty deposits on our body. tsk

anw i have some photos from that night, thanks to zek for his camera and fai for spending an hour and a half sending all the pics to me via msn. :)

cool shades right? :) but i think yan wore them more to protect his eyes (he was suffering from sore eyes! poor guy.) than to be fashionable. but i suppose there's no harm in killing two birds with one stone.. hehe.

after licking all our plates clean. ;)

all of the boys that were present that night.

before we were ready. ;p think the person who was taking the pic for us forgot to count..

and that's all of us!

i had lots of fun that night, but as always we couldn't stay long due to virtue of the fact that i live aaaalll the way in woodlands. :( i think i'm the most selenge person there lah, especially among the girls.

but anw! i'm so glad that it's a new week now. i finally completed my GE1101E human geography research project after weeks of stress over it. && i've also crossed the hurdle in the form of my SC1101E midterm, which both deserve huge sighs of relief. yan and i had very few hours of sleep during the weekend - me because i was doing my best to complete my work and yan because he was accompanying me online. thanks sayang for being there for me as always! :)

unfortunately, though, i have two more projects due next week and the week after plus PS1101E midterm exam to study for!

it never ends.

on another note, after looking at how much some of my friends are missing their bfs who are in ns, i am definitely dreading the time when yan has to go off for ns, cuz then i won't be able to see him as often as i do now! plus i'd miss him terribly when he has to go overseas and stuff for training.

well ok i gtg now. bye!

nj laid bare @ 2:05 PM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

phototaking! :)

aaaaand my favourite:

i think i look weird in this pic though. ;p

nj laid bare @ 7:57 PM

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

10. Lovely number.

It's the tenth and yeaaa,its our 10th month since we became official! woopie! Heh, and guess what? i love nurul more than ever la, so yeah. and all's been good i should say, right babe?and its alright syg, I promise you that after the ramadhan month and all, we will spend more time together yeah, and after my FYP.

Abit of sidetrack here, FYP is going well.its finally coming to an end. I got one problem though. I sometimes just can't understand why some people just CANNOT simply ask their peers or team mates nicely/politely to do any tasks or whatever. They MUST always order around. Please la, Bossy-ness can be tolerated, to an extent. I've been holding it from within for too long, and i just hafta let it out. It's not that i don't wanna help out or don't wanna do anything for the project. I do man. seriously, i am willing and i seriously know my responsibilities. BUT I just can't take it when someone goes bossing me around. it sortsa spoils the whole sincere mood you know? I hits me right on my IRRITATION BREAK-POINT button. "alfiyan ah, make thursday aftnoon free, gonna do fyp". 'alfiyan ah, go make another agarose gel 1%". hahah, funny la. I pity daniel most though coz he receives more of those than me. Tell you guys something: I can be patient, but don't ever push it. 3=]

anw, nurul, to access the SP wireless, remember. pDa4SP. k? k good.

buaiz ppl. and wow, i was mimicked by cleopatra before man. no wonder she looked like shit.

cinaboy laid bare @ 10:49 PM

something about the lovely.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Alfiyan!

  1. While performing her duties as queen, Cleopatra sometimes dressed up as Alfiyan.
  2. It's bad luck for a flag to touch Alfiyan.
  3. A bride should wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and Alfiyan.
  4. Until the 1960s, Alfiyan was not allowed to enter Disneyland!
  5. The porpoise is second to Alfiyan as the most intelligent animal on the planet.
  6. Alfiyan can be very poisonous if injected intravenously!
  7. All of the roles in Shakespeare's plays - including the female roles - were originally played by Alfiyan!
  8. Alfiyan does not have toes.
  9. A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are individually known as Alfiyan.
  10. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are Alfiyan.
I am interested in - do tell me about

nj laid bare @ 9:39 PM

ten and counting. :)

today is a great day.

it is great because it is 10.10 which marks 10 on the number of months we have been together. :)

i love yan lots and lots! i wish we had more time to spend happily with each other, though, but sadly time does not permit.


on another note. i can't seem to figure out why i can't tap on to the wireless network in SP. there was this single time i could, but that was it! it's so frustrating you know. maybe i should ask arisya/halimah about it. hmm but wait i think hans has given alfiyan instructions so i guess i'll just follow those...

take care, all.

nj laid bare @ 9:01 PM

Saturday, October 07, 2006

sometimes it's hard...

but i must have faith.

nj laid bare @ 2:15 PM

a rainbow-filled world. ;)

this past week, despite several dark clouds and perhaps even a couple of thunderstorms, has been one filled with more rainbows than anything else. and i'm very thankful for that. :)

i went to buka puasa with alfiyan and his cool biotech friends at geylang on tuesday, which was awesome cuz everyone was really nice and HILARIOUSLY entertaining, plus the food was so great! there's not much to say about the bazaar, though, most stalls were selling more or less the same things. ;p sometimes i feel like i know alfiyan's friends better than i know my own schoolmates, since i spend a lot more time in SP than in my own school. hahah.

and i am always worried that some people might find my presence a nuisance because i don't actually belong to SP.

on friday (yesterday), me and alfiyan went on a Superstar date! hehe. well actually all we did was go watch the Superstar musical staged by SP as part of a President's Star Challenge, so naturally, Mr and Mrs President were there to grace the even with their presence. i thoroughly enjoyed the performance, so thanks sayang for asking me to come along! :D

and and alfiyan and syu were really cracking me up cuz they kept making comments about a particular performer. i felt mean for laughing so much!

oh and guess what! i finally got my macbook! heheh. so now, no more having to wait for my turn to use the pc (which is in iskandar's room). i'm so happy! hehe.

well anw, i better go wake alfiyan up now. half past twelve and he's still asleep! ;p but i don't blame him cuz he still went all the way to woodlands to send me home although it was already like 11+ at night. so sweet right?

ok bye!

nj laid bare @ 12:27 PM

Sunday, October 01, 2006

hey,ok you guys probably could feel the frustration in nurul's entry. well yeah, she was and probably is still a little pissed at her parents. sigh, i dunno why they don't trust her with the breaking fast as a group outside la. i mean, it hits me there bcoz its like they don't trust me also lah. I've been brought up as a proper Muslim by my parents and i guess. I know my limits and especially during this Ramadhan month especially. and i'm certainly very sure nurul knows her limits too. but nvm la, i seriously pity her la people. she's like being cooped up. haha, kinda funny though, break fast outside for one day only. not that she's been breaking fast outside daily. heh. well nvm that la.

so just now i went out at noon to woodlands library to study with nurul. She was looking Great as usual! DroolFest. ; P~~~ went home at 1830 so i broke fast in 168. quite fun ah. just my sweettalk and me. and of course my girl who always calls me before the prayer call.

anw,I know that whatever happens, no matter what, i will always be by my girl's side la. Love you sweetz.

cinaboy laid bare @ 8:49 PM