this past week, despite several dark clouds and perhaps even a couple of thunderstorms, has been one filled with more rainbows than anything else. and i'm very thankful for that. :)
i went to buka puasa with alfiyan and his cool biotech friends at geylang on tuesday, which was awesome cuz everyone was really nice and HILARIOUSLY entertaining, plus the food was so great! there's not much to say about the bazaar, though, most stalls were selling more or less the same things. ;p sometimes i feel like i know alfiyan's friends better than i know my own schoolmates, since i spend a lot more time in SP than in my own school. hahah.
and i am always worried that some people might find my presence a nuisance because i don't actually belong to SP.
on friday (yesterday), me and alfiyan went on a Superstar date! hehe. well actually all we did was go watch the Superstar musical staged by SP as part of a President's Star Challenge, so naturally, Mr and Mrs President were there to grace the even with their presence. i thoroughly enjoyed the performance, so thanks sayang for asking me to come along! :D
and and alfiyan and syu were really cracking me up cuz they kept making comments about a particular performer. i felt mean for laughing so much!
oh and guess what! i finally got my macbook! heheh. so now, no more having to wait for my turn to use the pc (which is in iskandar's room). i'm so happy! hehe.
well anw, i better go wake alfiyan up now. half past twelve and he's still asleep! ;p but i don't blame him cuz he still went all the way to woodlands to send me home although it was already like 11+ at night. so sweet right?
ok bye!