Hi all! I apologise for moi absence for these few weeks. I've been, say, Occupied. Fasting month involved trawih prayers,and prior to Hari Raya, had alot of work. Fyp too! So erm, yea, plus my net sucks bigtime so it always always spoils my mood when im about to blog. =P
Anw, it's raya time! and our celebration is one month people, not one day, so yahooooo! I hope its not too late for me too wish all of you out there, "SELAMAT HARI RAYA! MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN!kalau ada apape salah silap saya da buat dgn sengaja atau tidak, maafkan saya ye?"
Only thing is the drag of quizzes that are upcoming and basically, last sem is a drag.
Anw, this year on the first day, my family went white. we didnt take a family photo of course due to the lack of digicams. haha nvm, lemme show you MY uniform for that day.

Nice? hahahah.
Anw, me and nurul just got myself a new phone! the new W810i! heheh, hotness i tell you,walkman mp3,2 megapix cam,EDGE technology all in one phone. heh heh, thanks baby for helping me yeah? Seriosly, couldn't have got it without her assistance la. the pics above were taken using N7610. pics using w810i will be coming up soon yea. total difference i tell ya.well anw, i'm happy that i got that gadget after a month plus of waitinnng.patience pays? hell yeah.
Ok thats that, anw things are going happily fine and dandy! i am super happy and i really love you nurul! thanks for everything yeah, and sorry that i sometimes suck.
signing out. till then.