today was yet another awesome day to add to my list! =)
in a nutshell, much of the greatness of the day was thanks to alfiyan's presence from very early in the morning at 830am till 730pm, starting from his graduation from singapore polytechnic and ending with pirates of the caribbean: at world's end.
since i'm too exhausted to blog, i'll just show you some of the many photos we took, in sequential order of events.
1. graduation ceremony - you will notice that there aren't many photos taken of me basically because i wasn't the one graduating:
2. serangoon broadway, where alfiyan and i returned his graduation gown to retrieve the $50 deposit:
3. at causeway point, while waiting for the movie to start:
at this point you may notice that my hair has gone kind of haywire thanks to the drizzle and perspiration. so, alfiyan the sweetheart bought me a beautiful butterfly hair pin so that i can do this to my hair:
ok i think that's all i have for now. if i said i was exhausted earlier, right now i'm waaaaaayyyyyy too exhausted to be doing anything but crash on my bed. so more updates next time, i hope!