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Thursday, May 31, 2007

ecstatic yet guilty.

today was one hell of a rollercoaster ride. here's what happened in order of events:

1. it started well, with alfiyan coming over to my house to change into tshirt and jeans after a maulud event somewhere near admiralty. that was great, because it showed my parents (well my mom at least) that my darling is a religious person - my siblings even thought that alfiyan was just some guy going door to door selling kitabs! lol.

2. but then i got upset because we left the house too late for my liking such that it had started raining really heavily,

which inevitably led to my hair (which i painstakingly straighten with a flat iron every day) being ruined.

3. luckily, alfiyan did an awesome job in making me feel lots better with the best hugs and kisses and shielded me totally from the rain by stooping himself to my height such that the umbrella was right above my head. plusplus he bought me ANOTHER clip (this time with a pretty white flower) for me to bun up my messy hair. =D

4. upon reaching causeway point, we were totally disappointed when we discovered that shrek 3 tickets were sold out and found ourselves with practically no ideas on how else to spend our day.

5. but then we became happy again after deciding that we were both hungry and went to kfc to have us some chicken:

see? happy!

well at least i was. lol!

6. following that, alfiyan announced that he needed to remedy his stomachache by going to the loo so he did that, while i browsed around at metro. i started getting annoyed when he still hadn't returned 15 minutes later and this was worsened by the fact that i saw a really gorgeous Guess bag which i totally cannot afford at the moment, and that alfiyan didn't lend me his PSP so that i could entertain myself during the half hour that i had to wait.

hmm that sounds kinda silly now that i've written it down - half an hour isn't that long is it? ;p sorry baby for being mad at you like that!

7. but anw things sort of worsened after that, but eventually it all got a whole lot better with hugs (as usual) and THIS!!! (in case you can't tell, THIS is the main objective of the entry):

sooooooo cute right? it has 'bee mine' written across pooh's tshirt and a heart on its left foot. the best thing was - alfiyan actually bought it for me!!!!!!


thank you thank you thank you soooo much sayang! you really are the very very best. i love you!

oh and alfiyan saw something he liked, too:

but he didn't want me to get it for him. :(

ok so that was pretty much how our day went. i'm thankful that it ended with such a high note for myself, though i'm guessing not so much for alfiyan since he had to spend lots of money on me. TOO much in fact. sigh.

thanks for everything you've done to make me happy alfiyan! i love you!

nj laid bare @ 6:50 PM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

today was spent mostly with iffah, also known as the youngest and most talkative sibling of mine. we watched the movie next on dvd for the earlier part of the afternoon, and then headed on to the library after that.

about 6pm or so we left the library to go meet alfiyan who came over to woodlands straight after work. it was his last day of work by the way, which is grrreat cuz this means i would most probably be able to see him more often and for longer periods of time now. :) anw i realise my darling is pretty popular at work - here's a glimpse of the big bag of farewell gifts he received from his colleagues:

(in the cash deposit queue to transfer money to some guy whom we bought a PSP memory card from, as a favour to fairul)

ok so after transferring the cash and buying food and all that alfiyan and i headed back to my house sans iffah since ain, my other sister, took her away when we bumped into her at cwp. so all we did at my house was just watching yo momma! on mtv, mr bean's holiday on dvd, eating cup noodles and chocolate cake and shaker fries and goofing around with those weird balloon thingies.

it was all in all a pretty okay day. alfiyan's smile made my heart beat faster the whole time, but that's nothing new is it? ;p hehe.

till then!

"Love's gentle spring doth always fresh remain."

nj laid bare @ 10:28 PM

here's the thing about the future. everytime you look at it, it changes.

and because you looked at it, that changes everything else.

nj laid bare @ 3:47 PM


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our dark that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine as children do. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

nj laid bare @ 2:29 PM

ladies and gentlemen, this is zurah.

(in case you were wondering why my eyes look so weird, it was because i was having sore eyes that day. ;p)

and this is what she wrote on her blog:

just read jannah's blog.
alfiyan got her a ring.
lucky her.
im so happy.
and thank u alfiyan for making my jannah happy!!

see baby even my friends think you're great! how much more lucky can i be, eh? hehe.

and thanks zurah for being so sweet. :)

nj laid bare @ 1:28 AM

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

and this is bliss.

i love to observe alfiyan walking towards me from afar, to see the spark of recognition on his face once he's spotted me amongst the crowd and the way his smile slowly emerges. i love being able to lift my inhibitions and be my true self and still be accepted by him. and i especially love the ease with which we tease and make each other laugh for no apparent reason at all. i may have spent barely two hours with my darling, but it was more than enough to keep me smiling even till now, and i know, till the next time i see him. he just makes me SO HAPPY.

this is what they call love, no?


anw alfiyan and i bought new rings for each other! we've been planning to do this since ages ago, ever since alfiyan commented that our original engraved rings (from when we first got together) were losing their shine and smoothness. we went to metallurgy at the cathay and i bought alfiyan this:

while alfiyan, the sweetheart, bought me the slimmer version:
i'd like to think of it as sort of like a 1.5 yr anniversary gift to each other and i absolutely love it! of course, my gift was also intended to be a good-luck-for-ns charm as well.

thanks syg! =)

oh and today i had an interview at shenton business (located at golden mile complex, no less!) for an internship in which i have zero knowledge on - wealth management. -_-'' i'm guessing it's a lot to do with sales and i'm definitely not a sales person. luckily the managing director who interviewed me was pretty understanding and offered to come up with some basic administrative duties for me to do.

it's doubtful i'd be taking up that job offer should he call back though, since it's located in a place infested with thais, and it takes me an hour and ten minutes to reach the office. oh, well. at least i tried. lol.

ok it's time for me to go now! bye!

nj laid bare @ 7:20 PM

Saturday, May 26, 2007


what do you do when you can't go out because your sister has to sit for her Malay 'O' level paper this monday and your mom wants you to be available to help her which means another opportunity to spend time with your bf before he enters ns is gone?

online shopping, of course!!! =)

so here're are some stuff that attracted me during the 4 hours of browsing at yahoo! auctions:









any sponsors? =) hahaha.

something random:

my maknenek sister.

bye, now!

nj laid bare @ 6:41 PM

Thursday, May 24, 2007

more from yesterday.

i didn't really get a chance to write about yesterday in detail, so i'll attempt to do so now.

first of all, a big congratulations to alfiyan for receiving his Diploma in Biotechnology!! =) i'm really very proud of him because i've been with him since he was starting year 2 and i can tell you, that shit ain't easy. and yet he made it with mostly As and Bs on his transcript.. hehe! congratulations again syg!

my feet started to hurt unimaginably by the time alfiyan, his mom and myself finished eating the food provided at the tea reception. the food sucked, btw. the only thing i could swallow without wanting to gag was the mini fruit tarts and brownies, but maybe that's just because i'm naturally sweet-toothed.

well anw about my painful feet. i think it was because the last time i wore heels was ages ago and these ones are narrow at the front, which is baaaaad for someone with such wide feet like me. eventually i resorted to removing my shoes every time we had to stand for a period longer than 5 minutes (like on the mrt, at the supermarket, etc).

ok there's not much else that i can think of to talk about actually. that's the thing about blogging a day after - lots of details are forgotten. ah, well. here's a photo that alfiyan took to teach me how to use the macro function on the camera:

pretty cool, eh? :)

oh! i forgot to tell you that alfiyan's sick. i think he caught a virus from home (since his mom's sick, too) so now he's sleeping like a baby from all the meds that he's taken. i really hope he gets well soon, though! i'm missing him so much right now.

ok that's all i guess. what a redundant entry, huh? bye, then!

nj laid bare @ 10:23 PM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

*sighs contentedly*

today was yet another awesome day to add to my list! =)

in a nutshell, much of the greatness of the day was thanks to alfiyan's presence from very early in the morning at 830am till 730pm, starting from his graduation from singapore polytechnic and ending with pirates of the caribbean: at world's end.

since i'm too exhausted to blog, i'll just show you some of the many photos we took, in sequential order of events.

1. graduation ceremony - you will notice that there aren't many photos taken of me basically because i wasn't the one graduating:

(alfiyan and his mom)

(fyp group minus daniel plus supervisor)

2. serangoon broadway, where alfiyan and i returned his graduation gown to retrieve the $50 deposit:

3. at causeway point, while waiting for the movie to start:

at this point you may notice that my hair has gone kind of haywire thanks to the drizzle and perspiration. so, alfiyan the sweetheart bought me a beautiful butterfly hair pin so that i can do this to my hair:

(food for the movie)

ok i think that's all i have for now. if i said i was exhausted earlier, right now i'm waaaaaayyyyyy too exhausted to be doing anything but crash on my bed. so more updates next time, i hope!

nj laid bare @ 10:39 PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

the same old things.

although i try my best not to let my mind wander onto that subject, somehow the thought of it always creeps up on me, especially during moments of solitude. and it never fails to make me cry. which is probably why i've decided that i'm going to squeeze the best out of every moment that i have left with alfiyan before the period of being able to see him only once a week arrives.

i know i've said all these before, but i can't help myself. it's all i can think about nowadays. that, and the fact that i don't seem to be doing anything special for alfiyan anymore, it's always him making ME feel extra happy all the time. i hope i'm not turning into a sucky girlfriend or anything...

oh, well. i think this is it for now, i am having the worst period cramps ever. bye, all!

i don't want to miss one smile

i don't want to miss one kiss
i just want to be with you
right here with you, just like this
i just want to hold you close
feel your heart so close to mine
and just stay here in this moment
for all the rest of time.

nj laid bare @ 8:15 PM

Monday, May 21, 2007

Yesterday night, i messed things up.

As you might have guessed, yes, i fell asleep before settling things.

Im very remorseful and regretful for what happened and its my fault.

We had a small dispute and i was very tired and so was she.

And i accidentally fell asleep. Poor baby. She was up and waiting. And waiting.

SIGGGGHS... Im VERRRY sorry baby for being sooo selfish. It's a mistake of mine, i admit to it and im sorry alright?

Hey!! but on a brighter note, We met today and spent a great time together gorging KFC Buddy meal! Heh! thing was, nurul was late coz she took the wrong train! so poor thing la cause she was in a daze from lack of sleep... But i guess Us meeting just solves everything doesn't it baby?=D

Thanks for the great dinner baby!

cinaboy laid bare @ 10:28 PM

i hate to cry.

i hate to cry, especially when it's 3.30am in the morning and there's no one to talk to.

especially since i've been calling since half past midnight and no one is answering.

what an awful end to a great day, eh? unless of course, it doesn't end if i never fall asleep and today just becomes tomorrow with no end or start.

update: alright fine i won't disturb your sleep. go sleep all you want.

nj laid bare @ 3:25 AM

Sunday, May 20, 2007

a day well spent.

i've noticed that quite a lot of people have set up blogs which sell merchandise ranging from pretty dresses to glam accessories. and so i've decided to do the same for mine! here are my very first two items for sale:


actually the above two chains were a present from my darling alfiyan, him being the sweetheart boyfriend as usual. but before that, let's start from the beginning shall we? :)

first of all here're a couple of updates that i seem to have forgotten to write about:
1. my smart alfiyan has been accepted in NTU/NIE to pursue a BSc(Ed) degree in Physical Education and Sports Science! obviously, i'm really really proud of him. congrats baby!
2. alfiyan has finally bought his much desired white PSP, complete with a 4GB ProStickDuo memory card, and plush PSP cover.

so alfiyan and i met pretty early today (11am) at woodlands, after which we headed on to woodlands regional library to do our own things in a tranquil, air-conditioned environment. so basically alfiyan did this:

(i.e. playing prince of persia: rival swords on his psp and occasionally checking for hints and cheats on the internet)

while i, on the other hand, did this:

and this, when the words started blurring and jumbling up with each other:

(i.e. camwhoring)

hahahahah. ok so after we decided that we've had enough frustration from not being able to defeat the 'boss' (alfiyan) and from sitting on the rough carpeted library floor for too long (me), the both of us went back to my house to keep my laptop and books. theeeennn we went back to causeway point so that i could buy for alfiyan this (i would like to believe that it was a gift from me hehe):

isn't the wallet gorgeous? there's even a subtle little diamond for the bull's eye on the wallet. i absolutely love it! and i hope alfiyan does, too. :)

it was a good thing that we bought the wallet today, too, because metro was having this lucky dip event and we won a $10 metro voucher! which, considering how so many other people received only a $5 one, was pretty lucky for us.

well anw we were soon on our way to bugis, via the mrt, during which i took over alfiyan's psp to play tekken: dark resurrection - my character lili was the bomb, man! she does the most lethal yet graceful kicks ever, which is one of the main reasons why i love playing her character. alfiyan and i took turns to win the entire story battle, but i must say that he did most of the work. :p

at bugis, we devoured our yummy 80cents icecreams within minutes of buying them and then headed on to diva where alfiyan surprised me by saying that he's buying not just one, but two pendants from the store! as elated as i was, i must admit that there was a tinge of guilt in me because alfiyan keeps buying me so many things. sigh.

i do really love my 'i-love-boys' and 'angel' pendants, though! =) i even suggested that alfiyan sing me shaggy's 'angel' while he was putting that on for me, which he did, being the good sport and loveliest love that he is. i love you sooooo much syg, thanks for the gifts! :-*

ok so for dinner, we ate at tong seng. there's not much to say about it, so let's just let the pictures do the work:

following that was our looooong bus trip to woodlands on 960, during which alfiyan spent quite some time meticulously making sure his psp was free of dirt and oil (which is so typical of him, btw. lol.):

and so that was pretty much how our awesome day went. hope yours went great, too! =)

before i end off, here's a last photo just because:

ok that's all! i love you baby! =)

nj laid bare @ 7:55 PM