oh no.
it's days like today that i dread alfiyan going to ns the most.
the day starts off pretty well, since i get to listen to alfiyan's voice over the phone when he wakes me up in the morning. plus i'd still be feeling contented from yesterday's time spent with him.
i get up, go about with my morning activities (breakfast, cleaning up my room, laundry, etc.) and the first pangs of missing alfiyan hit me at about noon. and so i'd wait patiently by my hp for an sms or call from him if he said he'd be busy beforehand (which is usually the case on sundays) and i'd practically POUNCE on my poor hp every time it beeps.
the dose of love i receive from alfiyan is enough to keep me happy till 3 plus. from then on, i'd just be missing him like crazy and if i'm bored, i'd be pestering alfiyan with regular calls though i keep telling myself to let him have an easy day and catch up with his sleep. lucky for him, today i have an exam to study for so he is generally bother-free. :)
the evening is the worst. sometimes i'd be so emotionally affected from lack of contact with alfiyan that when i do get to talk to him again on the phone, i'll let out my frustation at him for no reason whatsoever. and i'd look forward to the next day when i'd get to see him again so much so that i'd get antsy and won't be able to concentrate on doing any work.
which scares me because it tells me that i can barely survive a day without meeting alfiyan. what more two whole weeks? :( to make things worse, telephone contact with him is even more restricted when he's in camp.
doesn't this entry make me sound pathetic? it's as though i can't be my own person with my own things to do without alfiyan. sigh. but that's just the way it is and i have no freaking idea how to overcome this.
someone help.