the time that i have dreaded for the past year or so has arrived. :( alfiyan has finally received his ns enlistment letter, which states that he must report somewhere in pasir ris on the 14th june 2007, to bmt school 2. and you know what that means - he's been posted to the army.
sigh. and i was really hoping that he'd get posted to police instead since i'll probably be able to see alfiyan more often. oh, well. the good thing is that i've always thought that army guys are way hotter than those in police or CD so i can't wait to see my baby all handsome and macho in his uniform. hehe.
from now on, i will try my very best to avoid picking a fight with alfiyan at all costs and instead, to make the most out of the one month plus that we have left before ns starts. plus i musn't get upset too easily and even if i do, i musn't prolong the argument even after alfiyan has apologised.

oh btw this is the other dress alfiyan bought me. :) sorry that i'm so vain hahah.
in other news, my beloved macbook is temporarily out of service because my power adaptor is faulty! which is absolutely the WORST timing ever because all my notes are in the laptop so how the heck am i supposed to revise for exams without them? let's just hope that the IT Co-op gets back to me soon so that i can print out my notes.
we are strong enough, i know we are.