today was yet another awesome day with my darling! ;)
we met early in the morning just to spend time with each other talking, listening, hugging, kissing. words are insufficient for me to express just how special that moment was with alfiyan, and just how much i love him. which is a lot, by the way. some photos:
orchard rd was our next destination, where we did some window-shopping. it was pretty okay, i guess, but i was happy just having my fingers interlinked with alfiyan's or having his arms around me, oblivious to everyone else.
and then we headed on to fish & co, as promised. the food couldn't be any more delicious, and the company was even better. i was full halfway through the meal but made sure i finished every bite of it because it was, after all, sayang's treat for us. some photos:

before sending me off to my doorstep, i received a tight tight hug and a light kiss on my forehead and the sweetest, most heartfelt apology, for everything that's hurt me throughout our relationship, bringing tears to my eyes instantly.
alfiyan really is the best guy i've ever met. despite whatever we've been through, and all the nonsense that we've put each other through, the bottom line is, HE ALWAYS MAKES THINGS RIGHT. which is something i treasure a lot about him, and shows me that he really does love me as much as i love him.
argh the tears are back.
it's been such an emotional day, i think i'll go rest now. bye, all!