i know i'm probably imagining things, but i'm getting this vibe that he doesn't love me as much as he used to. here are some of the reasons why:
1. me gaining weight, turning me into a jack black look-a-like.
2. increased exposure to my monthly pms which never fails to cause him to hate me
3. him finding other areas in life in which he obtains more pleasure from
4. him feeling too controlled by me in that he is obliged to always have to sms or call me. - this is pretty true, lately i notice that he won't do so spontaneously or out of his own will, often i have to prompt or whine or grumble at him just to get him to call.
i guess i really should stop being too dependent on him, it's making him all rimas and if i don't ease up, he might just want to swat me away like the annoying fly i am.
i wish i had a best friend still.