ok this is just gonna be a short one since i'm rather exhausted from lack of sleep and being out all day. organised in small bites for your reading ease:
- my poor baby's computer has crashed which means he can't chat with me on msn or do friendster stuff (haha i always make him write me testimonials for fun) or blog.
- i am seriously becoming increasingly addicted to reading hollywood gossip. i devour every single morsel of information about the likes of britney spears, lindsay lohan, anna nicole smith and all those other bitches wherever i can find it. usual sources would be perezhilton, pinkisthenewblog, mollygood and tmz.
- which obviously means i haven't even made a DENT in any of my outstanding assignments. eek i am so in trouble.
oh oh! today my darling alfiyan went all the way to nus from kembangan (where he had a maulud to attend) to spend some time with me and then sent me home, after which he went all the way back to kembangan again for a manaqib.
now isn't he just the sweetest to go to all that trouble and inevitable exhaustion just to make me happy?
there's no doubt about it -
alfiyan is definitely the one and only for me and i love him super duper a lot! :):):)
alfiyan is definitely the one and only for me and i love him super duper a lot! :):):)