it occurred to me that i totally forgot to update about one of the highlights of my week: meeting jesvin after like, a gazillion years! :):)

i felt really bad cuz i could only meet her at like 8plus at night after first saying that i could do so earlier. ;p but i'm lucky that she's really understanding about it all, despite the fact that i took her away from her zee tv programmes. sorry jesvin!
anw while waiting for her at the shop n save entrance, there was this bangladeshi worker who crept me out so much with his incessant staring! plus he kept following me - when i entered the shop, he entered with me and couldn't stop staring with those beady eyes and when i went out to another shop he was there too! it was so scary, but luckily there were a lot of people and i had my darling yan and jesvin (for the later part) accompanying me. :)
then when jesvin arrived that same guy re-appeared again from around the tent and we started gesturing towards him with our umbrellas (in an attempted menacing manner lol) but apparently he thought it was all a big joke. *rolls eyes* so jesvin and i moved away from that area to talk somewhere else! hehe.
it was so great to hang out with jesvin, although it was only for about 10-15 minutes. i miss the old times in secondary school, i remember always laughing with her on lots of occasions! but anw. i'll be meeting her again real soon, when alfiyan's done with his exams and all. i'm positive the two of them will hit it off really well because they're both outspoken and good-humoured people. and they're also two people i love. hehe.
well ok that's all i wanted to say! it's almost time for that well-anticipated soccer match on home ground btwn s'pore and m'sia. bye, all!