i just realised that mcr is pretty good. :)
hey everyone! it's been a while, hasn't it? hehe.
i just got back from my very first REAL trip to KL on monday and i suppose it was a pretty awesome trip, considering i only spent one and a half days there. on the other hand, i kind of suffered cuz i missed my darling yan so so much. :( luckily there was free wireless access in the hotel (which was named novotel hydro majestic hotel. yeah i know, what's up with the "hydro" right?) so that i could websms and chat with yan via msn. :) he fell into a deep slumber the second night though, so i wasn't able to then, although i had baizurah help me call him and everything. thanks baizurah for trying! hehe.
i bought quite a number of things there, especially at petaling street, which was shopping heaven for those on a budget. they even had tiffany & co. knockoffs which looked really authentic! i didn't buy any, though. sigh. plus we visited a few places like the KLCC and berjaya times square and stuff.
here're some pics from the trip:

at the boring sofitel resort in johore, where we spent one night before heading to KL.

dinner at kenny rogers!

at the klcc.
i returned to singapore a day earlier than the rest of the family so that i could attend a dinner & dance at Pan Pacific Hotel with yan! my poor baby had to wait for like 3 hours for me to arrive because of my extremely poor judgement in timing. but as always, yan was the most understanding boyfriend ever and didn't kick up a fuss at all. love you syg! ;)
the event itself was pretty entertaining (the emcee was really hilarious) and the food was grrreaat! we were served and everything! and after that, we all went to balcony and wisma atria to have a few drinks. well, yan and i didn't, obviously, we were just there to hang out. here're some pics:

well that's all people! till next time.
i love mohd alfiyan b ahmad buhari.