today was the first time in ages since alfiyan and i spent time with each other doing something enjoyable on a weekday. we went window shopping at bugis street! :) it was great, great fun. we talked, laughed, and talked some more. and as always, indulged in many2 hugs and kisses in between the hand-holding and tickling and just goofing around like a couple of nuts.
and that is how i know that alfiyan is the one i'm meant to be with. because around him, i can stop pretending being who i am not. i can be myself, shedding whatever facades that i may display when around others. he accepts me for who i am, despite my selenge-ness and weird2 mannerisms and habits.
which explains why i love him so, so much.
on another note, exams are SO over. i now have all the time in the world to surf aimlessly, do lots and lots of readings, watch movies, and many other activities that i wasn't able to during the exam period. yaaayy. ;)
ok i shall go back to read my storybook now! take care, all.