Best B'day ever.
Hey for everyone who wished me on my b'day ytd,thank you all so much alright? and especially to nurul, youre the bestest best girlfriend lah! thank you soooo sooo much for the surprises yesterday and today alright? =D really, you got me there and the moments were priceless.
She surprised me by coming all the way to the end of SP at the aquaculture unit at 0825 yesterday to pass me my birthday presents! how swweeeet is that! and in front of my friends and lecturer summore. wow. seriously, she lied to me by saying she was gonna help mer mum get bread from the shop. hahah and i fell for it. she got me a brown wallet from TOPMAN,a box of GuyLian chocs and a DIY birthday card that was hhhuge and in the shape of a HEART! <3! hahah, love you soo much baby!
my class and Dr elango sang me a birthday song and i was so stunned and paiseh. haha.
ANw. todayyyy, i had my final final official FYP presentation and my group aced it man! YEAAAH! no fumbles, smoothness good and fine and questions all answered perfectly. steady la guys,nic and dan, youve been great team mates! especially nic, he deserves a pat on the back for great leadership and hardwork and most effort. haha
Nurul surprised me yet again with slices of different cakes! there was a chocolate classic, the blackforest and a HEART shaped mousse cake. all veerrrry delicious! thanks syg! thank you so much for a great bday alright! muacks and hugs!
till then peeps.