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Wednesday, November 29, 2006


The titled says it all people. yes. Today, i had a test in the morning at 8am for CSW. I woke up at 750am. weeee! HAHA, adrenaline rush babeh! fooo, had the fastest bath ever, a record breaking styling of hair at 3 minutes. I looked a bit crappy ah today and the back spikes were flaccid today. anw, DUH. had to take a cab to SP. it costed 15 bucks due to extra charge, damn all my extra money in this tattered wallet of mine gone. first scam of the day: taxi fare.

Then, reached school at 830am and luckily the teacher just started and i managed to finish. but! i didn't get atendance. to think that usually when im late the teacher would close an eye and just mark me present, i was scammed.scammed second time in the day: i was marked absent more than 3 times. great.

After class at 1pm, went off to the new t11a to pass the ppt slides to dr yuen my supervisor. had to wait for nicholas as we had to do our fyp presentaion slides. so i went to the vending machine to get myself a snack. i saw this cool looking japanese crispy seaweed crisps whish cost a dollar. *eyes wide and drooling* i eagerly placed the dollar coin into the slot. pressed B-7.yay! twisting of the springs. waiting waiting. i tell you, these vending companies really know how to earn extra cash.

OMG!! i was bloody scammed again lah! look at that! as the packet was dropping, the spring stopped twirling, how embarrassing. for 30 mins i was wondering how to reclaim my one dollar. dammit i was practically banging on the stupid machine. nearly broke the plastice pane. daniel and sam were laffing thier asses off lah. sigh, so near yet so far.

Then then, i went to use dan's dollar coin and i attempted again.

DOUBLE KILL!! I enjoyed two delish packs of seaweed. guess determination pays huh? hahah. catch is. i was behaving like a retard tryna get that packet of seaweed. the year one science students were around the area enjoying some free entertainment of an angry man.

PS: nurul, you hang in there alright, i love you! all will be fine i promise! you can do it!! =D

cinaboy laid bare @ 11:33 PM

i am a stupid, stupid girl.

and today was a stupid, stupid day. :(

my boyfriend honestly does not deserve such bitchy behaviour to be inflicted onto him because he is simply the best anyone could ever WISH for in a guy. and i mean it. he is THE ONE that every girl is looking for, and i consider myself the luckiest person alive to have found him first.

ok let's see. what are the good points of the day?

1. meeting alfiyan
2. alfiyan's hugs and kisses

i guess that's basically it. the rest of the day just SUCKED BIG TIME. i think i might be jinxed or something with regards to exams. first it was my GP paper last year, and now this.

talking to alfiyan over the phone calmed me down lots, though, because he knew just the right things to say! and so did baizurah, she made me feel much better too.

well ok then. i shall go brood now.

And that feeling of doubt, it's erased.

And we have gone through good and bad times,
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me,
And your loves always been true as can be.

I give my heart to you.

nj laid bare @ 8:14 PM

Sunday, November 26, 2006


i have the greatest boyfriend in the world.

nj laid bare @ 9:35 PM

words women use.

This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

This is the calm before the storm. This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "fine".

This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it.

This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing".

This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome.

riiiight. haha.

nj laid bare @ 1:34 AM

Friday, November 24, 2006


we both have a secret to tell. what you think we look like is very far from what we actually USED to look like. you see, we come from the underground OGRE-Land where we are deemed as super models there. see picture for reference:

nurul's like the tyra banks of OGRE-land and me? Errrrrr.. ok anyway...

SO we decided to migrate to the VERYYYY humanised singapore, and obviously, we look like monsters over here. so we had to invest in something called the EX-treme Makeover. however, There was a glitch although we looked more human! Omg, the surgeons over exaggerated the operation maybe coz we were just to ugly beyond imagination, and we ended up like this:

sigh, yes we were traumatised, but i was gonna get used to looking like this, but dear nurul was just not satisfied bcoz she couldn't drink from a straw properly or chew properly, only thing she could gain from looking like that was brushing her teeth in the morning. so off we went for another makover...


YAY! nurul's obviously much2 gorgeous looking now eh?! hahah she looks absolutely pleased. but me, why did i end up looking like a chinese?! and and, the amount of money spent on the ops was obviously was large enough to drown my smile.lol.

cinaboy laid bare @ 11:23 AM

Thursday, November 23, 2006

i can't help it (part 2).

argh. i hate myself sometimes. all my life i've had body image issues with myself, all my life i've had the lowest self-esteem i know a person to possess.

in other words, i think i suck for most of the time.

i mean, i can't even look at pictures of thin girls before becoming all depressed about myself, which leads me to the kitchen where all the food is at. which THEN in turn, makes me fat. hence alleviating the sense of despair about myself. it's a cycle of misery.

sigh. i can't help that i'm like that. i don't even know WHY i'm how i am. it's not only troublesome for myself, but for people close to me as well, especially yan. which is why i've decided to choose an alternative avenue to let out all these poor self-confidence sentiments. here.

why can't i be one of those people who can control their urges and be thin all their lives and look great in ANYTHING they wear?

stupid me.

on another note. alfiyan's still the greatest boyfriend ever, i think he has the most adorable smile i've ever seen. :)

i love you baby.

nj laid bare @ 9:38 PM

I can't help it.

Hey all, yes recently i've been staring at nurul's nostrils because firstly, she really has a beautiful shaped nose unlike mine which looks retarded. secondly, everytime she laughs, ok this is the FUNNY PART: she will try to contain her laughter, but the impact of the laugh goes to her nostrils, hence a really COOL rippling effect is observed. happens everytime, no doubt bout it. and it always sends me laughing my ass off. and nurul, what can i say, ppl like to disturb others who are scared easily, because that is the most fun part! when we see you jump, we are satisfied and amused at the same time, hehehe. but dont worry baby, im just explaining. but if i disturb you also, doesn;t change the fact that i so so love you lah nurul.

And baby, please go study for your papers la. I mean, to be smart, you gotta revise your facts to get it all organised in your smart brain so you know what smart info to write about when the qns come out during your exams, hence, a SMART person. haha

Okay anw, tday was another short day for me due me starting class at 12 and ending at 2pm. went to do fyp presentation slides with my team. at ard 330pm went off to nus to fetch nurul whose been busy studying. haha, she's gorgeous la.

anw, ok i've just finished cooling down. time to hit the showers!
eh so nice your face... HAHAH random pic: i just looove vinegar. it tones your body.

cinaboy laid bare @ 9:01 PM

chilly day.

yan thinks it's funny that my family members absolutely love to make me jump (in other words, make me terperanjat), especially since they know that they are able to do so quite easily. like, my mom would just clear her throat or fake a sneeze when i'm passing by and i will visibly jump from the shock.

i can't help that i have a weak heart!

he couldn't stop laughing lah when i told him how much it annoys me whenever that happens.

&& he keeps staring at my nostrils these days. hahahaha.

anw exams are the drag. i asked yan just now, 'if i really am smart, then i don't have to study do i? cuz smart people already know everything.'

hahah fat hope, thinking that i am smart. i must study to BE smart.

well ok then better go hit the notes again!

you're the love of my life.

nj laid bare @ 12:42 AM

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Back...yet again.

Hello again all! i know i know...(Where in the world have you been man?). truth is, i've been very lazy lately, like uber lazy and ive been having tests every week. Im sorry that the blog seemed to be becoming a one-sided show. so sorry nurul!

Anyway, Fyp is finally seriously coming to an end!! We finally submitted our report last friday, luckily my group managed to submit the report at 1600; thats one hour before the time limit. so yay! Now all that's left is the presentation which is on a saturDay but i'm not really sure on what day actually. heha! so yea, can't wait can;t wait! My supervisor: Dr Audrey Ann Yuen. My co examiner: Dr Liew. Steady pompeepeet. And my group is the first to present. Best of luck to us!

And while im typing this entry, nurul is busy studying hard for her upcoming exams next week, haha, poor her. but don't worry baby, i will be here to accompany you anytime anywhere.

You ppl wanna noe why she got her frenster acct deleted? Its coz she was just at the peak of annoyance yesterday, source of stimuli: her family members and ME. sorry lah syg, i just didnt realise that you were so affected by it. I promise it wont happen again. You ppl must be guessing what is it all about right? well, Dont Kaypoh! HAHAHHA =P

Okay, im off for my 12pm lecture before calling it a day. hahaha, im just a lazy bastard lah, i had class at 8am, woke up at 0745 and hance i got only one class tday, waste of time i tell you. but luckily i have nurul to look forward to later! love you lots babe!

cinaboy laid bare @ 11:53 AM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


i hate my life when it's like this.


oh and i've deleted my friendster account.

nj laid bare @ 9:49 PM

Sunday, November 19, 2006

it just keeps getting better.

i guess it is common knowledge by now that i think my boyfriend is the most wonderful person i have ever known. and every additional day that i spend with him just reinforces that belief of mine by a factor of millions.

this past week has been pretty rough for me, mostly due to being worried and panicked about the non-arrival of an expected event. but as usual, yan was by my side throughout with his reassuring words and steadfast faithfulness in me and us. i honestly do not know what i'd do without him in my life.

thanks sweetheart for everything that you've done for me!

i love you.

(11 more days!)

on the way to fairul's house.

nj laid bare @ 2:42 AM

Friday, November 17, 2006

adorable alfiyan.

my alfiyan's so adorable, i feel like hugging and squeezing him so hard until i can no longer do so, till i have expended all of my energy. and then i will sit/lie/be beside him and just bask in his presence.

because his mere presence makes me feel so special, so loved, that i feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world.

i love you baby, you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. :)

on another note:


nj laid bare @ 10:52 PM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

more hari raya

some photos!

on the way to the first house!

in the rented van.

all of us! :)

as cheesy as this may sound, i love yan's hair.

but of course i love him even more! <3<3

this cool lotus we saw at the carpark at ummar's house. (his apartment rocks, btw. the whole entire condominium complex!)

all these from that day when we went jalan raya with yan's biotech friends.

ps i love alfiyan so so much! hugs and kisses!

nj laid bare @ 9:59 PM

i hate this shit.

nj laid bare @ 1:10 AM

Sunday, November 12, 2006

a day at the library.

ok so after a whole tiring, tummy-bursting day of raya-ing with yan's biotech friends (finally!) yan and i had to go to WRL to do some revision. super yawnfest lah, especially for me. i kept dozing off reading plato!

well anw being a sunday, there obviously were no tables left unoccupied for our use, so had to settle down at cafe galilee.

now everyone knows what thaaat means. this is us before having to continually buy drinks/food in order to be allowed to study there throughout:

and THIS is what happened at the end of the day:


nj laid bare @ 4:45 PM

Friday, November 10, 2006


i got a haircut! i think it's way shorter than i wanted it, now i look like ain, my sister, who also got a haircut not too long ago. ;p

us before:

us now:

hahaha am i bad for posting such a pic of my sister? actually she's pretty lah:

yan helped me pay for the haircut (he's been spending a lot of money on me lately and i feel bad!), and he doesnt say that it looks awful or anything so i suppose i'll have to be contented with my hair for now.

well ok that's all for now i guess. i keep putting off doing my work!!

nj laid bare @ 2:06 PM

just for fun.

hahah well obviously i don't actually look like any of them.

and who would have thought that yan bears some resemblance to jasmine trias? ;)

nj laid bare @ 1:10 PM

Thursday, November 09, 2006


assignments, done.

revision for exams here i come.

on another note! i know i say this all the time and everyone's tired of it, but really. i love alfiyan so much you know.


nj laid bare @ 12:00 AM

Friday, November 03, 2006

The best air-con in the world.

Me and nurul just experienced around 15 minutes of the best air freshener ala air conditioner in singapore. imported from nigeria. We were in the 168 queue at woodlands interchange when my dearest was sending me off, we suddenly caught a whiff of something... Nice? Smell the rafflesia flower, its like Escada compared to the smell we got. I told nurul first that i can't tahan, she then pointed to some huge figure queing in another bus row. Omg. the smell, seriously, its really really Oufgh! seriously, dude,roll on some deodorant man. and my poor nurul had to endure the stench la coz she waited with me till my bus came. sorry baby!

Look at her face! Hahaha! Till then ppl.

cinaboy laid bare @ 11:58 PM

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


i am so stressed right now, it's starting to get funny. here is the list of things i have to get done:

1. SC 1101E Presentation
2. PS 1101E Midterm Exam
3. PH 1101E Essay
4. MS 1101E Project
5. GEK 1001 Assignment 2

and all due this week and next week. somehow tutors and professors decide to set deadlines that fall on these two weeks so that we will practically lose our mind with stress.

i am so dead.

nj laid bare @ 12:06 AM