The titled says it all people. yes. Today, i had a test in the morning at 8am for CSW. I woke up at 750am. weeee! HAHA, adrenaline rush babeh! fooo, had the fastest bath ever, a record breaking styling of hair at 3 minutes. I looked a bit crappy ah today and the back spikes were flaccid today. anw, DUH. had to take a cab to SP. it costed 15 bucks due to extra charge, damn all my extra money in this tattered wallet of mine gone. first scam of the day: taxi fare.
Then, reached school at 830am and luckily the teacher just started and i managed to finish. but! i didn't get atendance. to think that usually when im late the teacher would close an eye and just mark me present, i was scammed.scammed second time in the day: i was marked absent more than 3 times. great.
After class at 1pm, went off to the new t11a to pass the ppt slides to dr yuen my supervisor. had to wait for nicholas as we had to do our fyp presentaion slides. so i went to the vending machine to get myself a snack. i saw this cool looking japanese crispy seaweed crisps whish cost a dollar. *eyes wide and drooling* i eagerly placed the dollar coin into the slot. pressed B-7.yay! twisting of the springs. waiting waiting. i tell you, these vending companies really know how to earn extra cash.

OMG!! i was bloody scammed again lah! look at that! as the packet was dropping, the spring stopped twirling, how embarrassing. for 30 mins i was wondering how to reclaim my one dollar. dammit i was practically banging on the stupid machine. nearly broke the plastice pane. daniel and sam were laffing thier asses off lah. sigh, so near yet so far.

Then then, i went to use dan's dollar coin and i attempted again.

DOUBLE KILL!! I enjoyed two delish packs of seaweed. guess determination pays huh? hahah. catch is. i was behaving like a retard tryna get that packet of seaweed. the year one science students were around the area enjoying some free entertainment of an angry man.
PS: nurul, you hang in there alright, i love you! all will be fine i promise! you can do it!! =D