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Sunday, August 27, 2006


it's been a while since i last blogged, eh? ;p

thursday wasn't a particularly great day for me. in fact, it was pretty awful because it was when i realised that i do not have a single friend in school to whom i can turn to in times of need. i actually cried that day just because i couldnt find my sociology lecture venue despite walking around and around for almost an hour at the engineering school, with alfiyan on the phone trying to pacify me and giving me directions.

i seriously need to get over my supposed shyness and start introducing myself to people. or, i could just get people to introduce me to people. but in order to do that, i'd have to already know people for me to get to introduce me to other people first.


but anw thank god i still have alfiyan to help me out in times like these. thank you sweetie! :)

fast forward to saturday. the gist of the whole day would be lots of alfiyan, a bit of kalasom, hidayat and hafiz (he's really handsome now! but not as handsome as alfiyan, of course! hehe.) , and quite some of ain, ikhsan, raini and ariff (all of whom are ain's friends). alfiyan and i, plus ain and her friends went to WOMAD that night. it wasnt that awesome an experience, especially because of the bevy of expats, their SPGs and overpriced & non-halal food. things became worse when everyone started downing Heinekens and started becoming more rowdy and excitable. which was more or less when we decided to leave and head back.

here's a polaroid from the event, taken by a couple of Heineken girls:

note the leg to the left of ain. he was some angmoh guy lying in a rather obscene position, with us just in front of his crotch. hahah.

okay that's all for this evening.

hopefully the next time i update, we'll have a new blogskin since right now the one that we have is identical to heidi's. :)

till then, tata everyone!

nj laid bare @ 10:39 PM

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Exams.Over! =D

The last and final paper, Plant Biotechnology is Over! which marks the end of my exams!!! wooot! and am i relieved? no i'm not. I'm damn super-duper-uber relieved lah! though it's only a mere 4 papers, hey it's really not like some walk in the park you know you know. and these past few days have been quite eventful. i've been studying while having an epic battle with the Flu-Fever Nation. And, i couldn't talk or spend that much time with nurul. OMGGG...... how awful is that besides the LOAD of information i have to cram my size-of-two-fists brain with ha? it's terrible i tell you, with my insufficient sleep, sickness, sheesh, exams, final verdict: you SUCK. but wat tha heyl, its over, and I'm euphoric. Gonna chill out with nj (YAY!) now who's tryna complete her essay while i'm watchin Batman Beyond cartoons, heh, gemme a break, guy's gotta have a lil relaxaytion after a paper rite?

Out. for now. scream.

cinaboy laid bare @ 12:14 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006


i can't believe how much i can miss someone, although it's only been a couple of days.

i have a feeling i won't be having a good day today, or tomorrow either.


nj laid bare @ 2:04 PM

Saturday, August 19, 2006

and so finally i have gotten my last module! after all the worry, tension and exasperation that we had to go through, i have been accepted into SC 1101E! :)

thanks yan for being by my side throughout the entire bidding ordeal. i don't know how i would've handled the disappointment of being outbidded at every round and unfairness of the system if not for your encouragement and reassuring words.

i love you!

anw today i enjoyed myself sooo much although all me and yan did was study at SP library and eat at cwp's banquet. i guess his presense just makes my body produce loads of endorphin hormones into my bloodsteam, hence my constant floating on cloud nine.

anw i gtg bathe now before the rest of the family arrives home from the beach.


nj laid bare @ 9:22 PM

Friday, August 18, 2006


ola! haha, yay yay yay! genomic techniques paper's finished. I'm so done with all the T4 polynucleotide kinase and nick translation and all that DNA/RNA crap for the moment la! And, I am super glad that my revision paid off yet again. That's why kids, do your homework(not that i do them), but most importantly, make sure you darn well finish whatever you have to revise for any paper before entering the exam room to avoid excessive sweating of balls and *ehem* female *ehem*. You will get mind-blocks i tell you, probably from all the liquid drained from your cute brains thats emitted through the excessive sweating of the balls. but anw! the genomic techniques paper was relatively okay i guess, i hope to secure an A or a B+ for this paper. I studied till for the whole day la, I meant a whole solid day, which includes very little sleep. well syukur alhamdulillah, I pulled through this paper with negligible balls-in-brain experience. 2 more papers to go for. I can do it la yan c'mon. Allez.


cinaboy laid bare @ 4:45 PM

Thursday, August 17, 2006

today i realised i get jealous easily.

and i don't just mean jealous on its own. jealous is one word that i've always known would be listed in the how-can-we-describe-nj list. i believe the more proper expression here would be 'extreeemeeeely jealous'.

just now i was doing some innocent friendster-ing when i came across a girl's profile. a girl so hip, pretty and smart, the words 'ethereal beauty' would do her no justice because she's way more than that. that 5 minutes i spent looking through her photos made me so jealous, i became depressed. which led to me calling yan up to hear his reassuring voice, telling me that everything will be ok.

and so today i also realised that i'm rather pathetic.

i mean, who calls up their boyfriend in the middle of nowhere, who is already stressed enough as it is with completing revision in time for the exams, just to whine about how some girl or other is pretty/sexy/cool?

sigh. i need more confidence.

on another note, i've gotten almost all of my modules! right now i have PS 1101E, MS 1101E, PH 1101E and GEK 1001. i need just one more module to make it all complete.

i cant wait to get everything settled so that i can settle down into university life, and start doing actual work. right now i feel so sluggish from not having to do any school stuff for the past 8 months. i have to BUCK UP.

well ok this is it for today. update again soon!

i miss alfiyan. :(

nj laid bare @ 10:24 PM

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

right now i'm at SP Library's computer area, trying for the very last time to bid for my modules. today it hit me that i am not a very bright person.

all this while i've been agonising about how i'm not getting my modules, without realising that i don't necessarily have to take Level 1000 modules this semester. obviously, it is ideal that i take the Level 1000 ones in my first sem. but when all of them have been filled, i can take Level 2000 ones which do not require any prerequisites.

and so let us all breathe a deep sigh of relieve because i am not doomed to failure in university.

i still would like to take PS 1101E though, as well as SC 1101E. I have submitted appeals for both of them, and i will be going to the PS office tmrw to see if there're any more vacancies available for me.

wish me luck. :)

it's almost 3pm now, open bidding's going to close soon. which means i can go back to where yan's at and accompany him while he studies! poor guy.

i'll update again soon! till then.

nj laid bare @ 2:51 PM

Paper 1 down, 3 more tah go!

Hey hey hey people! Yeah okay there's good news and there's bad news. ok more of bad news actually. but then again, the good news: Animal Cell Culture paper is over!!! Ratings of difficulty: 3.5 outa 5. yeah i guess my revision paid off, BUT it was HELL NOT ENOUGH dammit 'coz of one qns. But i hope i could at least secure a B+. *prays* Bad news: 1. 3 more papers to sit for! 2. The bloody ACC paper had a section C qns(15 marks) on a stupid experimental report! Nice going Mr FTT. But nvm, I just tried my best to answer and luckily the other qns were A-okay! 3. I'm still SICK, SICK, SICK! hahaha.. ok but nevertheless i got nurul's ( she's wearing yellow today) company, bet she'll heal me up eh? kuang kuang. =P love you baby.

Ok then, i think i gotta zhao. Gonna eat lunch and then hit my balls! *books i meant.

C-boy out.

cinaboy laid bare @ 11:43 AM

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

here's my promise made tonight
you can count on me for life
that's when i love you
when nothing you do can change my mind

the more I learn, the more I love
the more my heart can't get enough
thats when I love you
when I love you no matter what

so when you turn to hide your eyes
'cause the movie, it made you cry
that's when I love you
I love you a little more each time.

That's When I Love You - Aslyn

love you baby.

nj laid bare @ 10:19 PM


It's a great tuesday morning where I'm writing this entry while rushing through my nasi lemak. I'm feeling sucky, isit my flu, or my ACC ( Animal Cell Culture) paper tmrw, or the fact that i received news from nurul that now she regrets dropping her module to bid for another one (History dropped, bidding for Sociology). She's feeling sucky, i Know, she's worried and no matter what i do, i Know i can't change anything regarding that module thingy. But hey, i can't help it but feel worried too right? anw, I just hope everything goes A-okay for her and my paper tmrw. I'm all set for tmrw's paper man! Hooyah and off I go to see nj at sp! seriously, I love her.


cinaboy laid bare @ 10:05 AM

Monday, August 14, 2006

is it just me with the most awful bad luck or does CORS have something against me? :(

so i didn't get my sociology module. i really really thought i had a chance today cuz there were like, 78 vacancies. argh.

stupid stupid stupid.

but wth. i'll just have to try again tmrw i guess. hopefully there're still more slots left, esp for sociology and political science.

oh god please please please help me here.

on another note. baby i love you. i know that despite our multitude of differences we'll work things out for us. we always do, and i hope that never changes. :)

dont go away okays baby?

well i gtg now. i'll be back with the next round's bidding results.

hope for the best for me k everyone?

nj laid bare @ 10:26 PM

Well, ACC revision done (3 more to go). Paper's in two days, finished studying on sunday, which was yesterday. and i'm F$%$ sick. With FLU, wow, that's a bloody great start to my exams.
COngrats boy, you're on your way to getting good grades. well yeah, screw me. anw, im just pissed at my health condition rite now. and im not Thaaaat sure whether i'm all set for Wed'days paper. but i think i am. err, no i'm not. I am lah F^&*^. anyway, gotta get this temperature down. but how? oooh! i know! let's Wank. i bet that'll help.

c-boy signing out.

cinaboy laid bare @ 12:54 PM

please please please let me get my module!

nj laid bare @ 12:51 PM

Sunday, August 13, 2006

here're some pictures from national day eve, when we spent the night at the hotel my dad's working at because he was the manager on duty for that night. :)

yan joined us for the dinner and to watch the fireworks from the hotel room! his presence made the experience a looot greater than it would've been, i can tell you that!

okay first we ate at the hotel's coffeehouse. the food wasn't too fantastic, except for the choc fondue fountain! =) too bad me and yan were already full from eating at cwp banquet. and eek i look you-know-what.

another one at the coffeehouse.

ok so after we were done eating, we wandered off looking for places to take photos, and ended up here. you're prob surprised we chose this one (outside the toilet) out of many other nicer backdrops. but, oh, well.

same spot, less people. :)

this is just outside our hotel room.

by the singapore river.

okay that's all for today! there're more pics actually but i'm getting tired of waiting for the pages to load and stuff like that cuz my pc sucks. ;p

i'll update again soon! till then!

nj laid bare @ 9:24 PM


Hey hooooo! let's go! hahaha, alrightayyyyy, me and my gorgeous girl right here just brought up this blog. erm, well yeah so we'll be treating this like... how a blog should be, geddit? updates and all.

Well, anyway, been around 8 months and counting since me and nurul got official. And hell yeah, we're having loads of fun and to tell you people the truth, i've learnt to really love her, as in REALLY. She's done so much for me, helping me drift pass my life problems and still making me happy and stuff. And one more thing, she keeps saying she's soooooooo FAT. c'mon dear, you're not, i'm not blinded or hypnotised and stuff like that. You're really not. maybe fleshy. But i loike.
so no worries, you won't lose me or anything like that. huh pretty thing? ;

So anyway, my exams are Really just around the corner, but good thing i got it all under control. hope to secure some good grades this sem,and people, please pray for nurul that she really gets her modules. i HATE the NUS bidding system. it sucks. i'm not from NUS but i can feel the pain of not getting the desired modules. I'm in biotech sp, it's like forcing me to take some design course, well that sucks shit rite?

ok well, this is me signing out, later dudes and dudettes!

cinaboy laid bare @ 1:55 PM


finally the blog's ready to be filled with randomness! :)

as cliched as this is going to sound, time does speed by when i'm enjoying myself. and boy, have i been having the greatest time for the past eight months or so. and for this, i especially thank yan because he's the one who is responsible for the bliss i've been experiencing since the first day we met. ;)

it's hard to believe how it seems like just yesterday that i was feeling exhilarated for completing the utterly dreadful A levels, when i'm just a couple of days away from my very first lecture in university. argh! the nervousness and uncertainty is killing me. what if i can't stay awake during lectures? will i be able to grasp new concepts? what has become of my writing/reading skills? will i be able to do a major of my choice?

stupid bidding system. i can't even secure the 4 basic exposure modules required for the first semester.

how am i supposed to graduate when i can't do a simple thing like getting modules?!

but anyway. i won't be harping on this for too long cuz it'll just bring my spirits down. for now, i'll just continue with the last couple of bidding rounds and proceed on with appeals and stuff like that if all else fails. i'm hoping for the best right now, so pray and hope for the best for me everybody!

well i better go get my hair ready now cuz yan's reaching soon. i can't wait to see him!


p.s. i have cellullite thighs. i saw it myself in the mirror! eek.

nj laid bare @ 1:20 PM