a pretty good day.
so my parents are back from bangkok. and they bought quite a number of things for everyone, yay! :) i received two skirts, a top, a pair of sandals and MAC rouge. and alfiyan got two silly tshirts - one with the asahi beer print and the other with dead bull. you know, like red bull only the bulls are dead?
now all i need are just a few more tops, maybe another skirt, and i'd be all set to start the new semester! hehe. speaking of which - i really hope i get all my desired modules and tutorial slots because what with my mendaki tuition assignment, night tuition assignment and the six modules i'll be taking i really need everything to fit exactly as i have planned it in order for me to survive.
and i seriously hope that i get my introduction to cybercrime and history & theory of western architecture modules because adilah and i are planning on taking those together! i reckon it'll be fun to have a friend taking the same module with me sometimes. (:
adilah got a job at the student service centre. as happy as i am for her because she's been trying to look for a job for so long to divert from maniq, this is very sad news for me because it means that she is a lot less free to hang out with me at the really awesome newly-opened boon lay gym. anyone else interested in exercising with me? i promise i'll be fun company! hehe.
friends are such a blessing.
today i met evonne, stella and angelia at woodlands civic centre and it was so wonderful just talking and talking about whatever comes to mind. i don't think anyone has really changed ever since our secondary school days - everyone's exactly how i remembered them to be which is the greatest thing. i really miss all the other people from evergreen whom i've not met for years, but it's so difficult to meet up nowadays since everyone has their own busy schedules.
i also bumped into jesvin when i was rushing off from causeway point to pick up iffah from school. she is such a SWEETHEART because she turned her heel around and followed me to wherever i was headed with no hesitation at all, although it meant that she would be late meeting her sister to go buy their two-year-old neighbour a birthday gift.

thanks jesvin, *hugs*!
i love all my friends. :)
kids brighten up my day.
today i did relief teaching for mendaki for a primary 4 mathematics class and i was just so amused by all the antics, regardless whether negative or positive, of the different kinds of kids there were in the class. there's the smart boy who never pauses to impart his knowledge to any one of his classmates, the outcast who duped me into thinking that he really was sick so that he could go home, the well-behaved girl who consistently reminded her classmates to lower their voices and so on and on.
it's a good thing that i took up this mendaki assignment - it's making me realise more and more that teaching, especially in primary school, might be my calling after all.
i think i'm getting better at alfiyan being in the SAF, now that i've settled down into my daily activities namely friends, tuition and gym. it's gotten so good that i feel like i don't even miss him so much anymore. as awful as that sounds, i don't mean it in a negative way - i still think about him ALL THE TIME but it doesn't hurt as much to be apart now.
alfiyan was really sweet tonight. although i kept telling him to go to sleep to get the most rest possible, he kept saying 'five more minutes please baby'. to be honest i got annoyed after a while but this changed to guilt, and later, love for alfiyan, after he explained how bad he felt for not being able to call me as often as usual since he's busier now with military stuff like the standard obstacle course, individual marksmanship training, etc, which takes him away from the bunks.
after we've hung up, i received another call from alfiyan a few seconds later. the reason for the call? - "nothing, i just miss you is all."
so i'm sure you can understand why there isn't a day which passes by that i don't feel like the luckiest girl to have alfiyan as my boyfriend. despite this disconcerting phase that i'm going through (which i'm still trying to figure out btw), i have faith that it will all be okay eventually, insya'Allah.

i love you, baby.