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Saturday, September 30, 2006

in a nutshell,

my life sucks.

at 19, my life is still being dictated by my parents who portray a seemingly religious lifestyle. seemingly, because ordinarily they AREN'T although they try very hard to make us believe so.

they don't even allow me to break my fast at pizza hut with alfiyan, yasir and ellis! and the reason? because it's Ramadhan and they still have responsibility over me and don't want anything to happen. what exactly do they think will happen?!?! honestly i think that they don't trust me enough, which really does hurt me.

but whatever.

i can't wait till it's time for me to move out of home so that i no longer have to live under unfair rules and regulations just because.

i swear my parents are the best.

the best in terms of being the LEAST understanding set of parents i've ever met. and also the best in terms of driving their daughter so crazy that she can't wait to pack her bags and leave.

sure, i admit to being a spoiled brat, one who is not used to being said no to. but then again, i believe that as a child, i didn't turn out too badly. i still help do the house chores (since no one else seem to bother) and i don't give my parents awful problems. plus i've already served my time of being confined to home during secondary school. i never was allowed out that much and i remember abiding by their rules but they can't do this to me forever!

on the other hand, as always, i thank god that i still have alfiyan the sweetheart by my side always. this is despite the fact that i let him down because he really was looking forward to meeting yasir again, this time with his new girlfriend. so was i! sigh.

i love him so much, my heart feels like bursting.

nj laid bare @ 4:18 PM

Thursday, September 28, 2006


this was extracted from my younger sister's (ain) blog:

"oh yeah, had malay oral after school, which i think was kind of okay. i was so nervous. the question was, "in you family, who do you admire most?" and i couldnt think of anything much for any of my family members but my older sister. "
aawwww. now how sweet is that? ;)
i feel like i'm falling in love with alfiyan again and again every single day.

nj laid bare @ 10:21 PM

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Its the ultimate test.

Okay this is just the worst time to get hit by a flu-fever virus. Im fasting and past few days my family members have been sick so now's my turn. It really sucks being sick especially when your'e fasting... well I must certainly say that this is a test of my endurance and determination. heh, hell no i'm gonna submit to some stupid virus like this. Im gonna continue my fast. Hopefully i can perform terawih ah tday. haiz... But nvm, my strength is still there.

Second test: this is the scenario. At 1015 just now, everybody went off for lunch and ummar went home and nas went to the lab. so i was kinda left all alone suddenly. i called up nurul and she was still in bed. Hahah, im so envious lah she gets to sleep in. So she couldn't come to accompany me. nvm that. she's on the way now as i'm typing this entry. thanks baby! ok enough of the side info. So off i went to the SAC rock wall where i met Azim as he was at the rock climbing booth for the CCA drive. Then i sat awhile to rest my body. fever sucks.big time. Azim tries to undo the caution Banner from the wall. so i gave him a hand.

And...there.... right in the middle of the wall, hanging on one of the rock-tiles, was a small white sling bag. ????? yeah. thats the reaction we got. so azim takes down the bag and inspects it( i swore that WE should've worn gloves lah.arrrrrgh! !)
Azim:' eh. ada coli2(bras) sia pat dalam.eeeeeeee' [there are bras in it.eeeee]
Alfiyan:'Hah! serious per? Tngk2!'

Azim brings the bag over. Puasa2 pun nak k-po. ish, dahsyat ah yan. Well, hullo, who would'nt be so curious as to WHO was the owner of those bras. so yea. I overturned the bag.
Azim:'eh al, takmo merepek ah! letak balik la, Orang smua nampak."(eh dont be nonsensical, put back the bag, everyone is seeing)
Alfiyan:' hahah mampos ah. aku nak tngk apa contents dia'(eh so what, i wanna see what's in it)
Azim:'eh letak balik ah. Sblom sapa2 nampak'

So we placed the stuff(2 discoloured dirty[ i mean seriously dirty] bras,one towel, one bag of food and 3 water bottles) inside the bag and i tied a knot over the handles so no spillage of any disgusting bras would occur. I swear they were the most disgusting 2 pairs of bras i've ever seen in my life. OMG. it had like yellow shit streaks on the cup perimeter there. Eww eww eww. I Should have worn gloves dammit. then we went back to the table and sat, wondering who was the owner of that bag. prime suspect: one of the female climbers who climbed yesterday. WRONG.

A few minutes later,
" eh, eh. thank qyuk ah thank qyuk. I no place to put my bag ah. Gantung pat sana tadi pasal takda tampat(hung there at the wall just now bcoz got no place to hide). Mau makan ah(wanna eat ah). heh heh,sollie ah sollie," old granny auntie cleaner of SP.



cinaboy laid bare @ 11:06 AM

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Remaining pics!

here are the remaining pics [why cant i post many pics in a single blog entry eh? can anyone help via the tagboard? thanks!] :

I was talking to nurl over the phone after terawih outside aliwal when i saw this man parked this hot red CBR Honda Fireblade in front of me. bloody hell, he smoked my face with his big ass of an exhaust pipe. BUT his bike is so damn cool la! Just look at it. droolsssss. : p~~~~

Here's the super latest family photo of mine. It's been a few years since we took one. From left: Asyraf, Dad( sorry if he looks kinda weird here, he likes making those faces),Idin,sarah, mum, me.

Thats all folks.

cinaboy laid bare @ 4:58 PM

hi! :)

just wanted to put these up:

on the cover.


on the back.

nice right nice right? hehe.

nj laid bare @ 4:12 PM

Hey peeps! First and foremost, i would like to wish all the Muslims 'Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan!'. Kalau ada free time malam, pergi lah kerjakan solat terawih. banyak berkatnya. =) And today, for anyone who doesnt know, marks the beginning of the muslim fasting month. yes, 1 month of abstainance from food,touchy-touchy with your personal loved girlfriend, etc. besides that, its a month where muslims basically up their level of pious-ness by a few notches. ok thats that. Insyallah, i will be able to complete my full fasting month by fasting all 30 days. haha, i will train during this time. the BEST time to sculpt my physical attributes.

Anw, i've got a couple of pics to put up. here goes:

The birthday girl!! omg. Kawai pose... -_-''' haha but nvm! still uber-gorgeous enough. =P

Her again. this time at Swensen's! Notice that now nurul smiles a teeht baring smile. Abit, of sidetrack here, in the past, when i just got to know her, her pics all had the closed mouth smile kinda thing, i felt it was weird, so i found out she was self conscious bout her teeth. WHAT?! teeth, yes teeth. .... but nvm, i've changed her smile ever since i talked about it to her. =D yay!
Tsktsk. Masya'allah. Eating with two spoons! coupled with two large glasses of water! hmmm, she certainly must be enjoying her topless 5 yea!
Tryna' finish up my last Cheese-maki sushi. I bought too many until after the movie i still had a few left to eat up. Delicious! but what was i looking at you wonder? i was looking at this fatass who just took our marshmallow topping for free. dammit. but nvm, pity his size. look at my hair! i just got an 8 buckz haircut at the salon nearby my house. Head feels more airy now.
ok more pics will come in the next entry.

cinaboy laid bare @ 3:36 PM

Saturday, September 23, 2006

19th birthday. ;)


thanks to everyone who extended their birthday wishes, so sweet of you guys to remember! =)

it has been a pretty great weekend for me so far, for which much credit can be obviously attributed to it being my birthday! hehe. i felt as though i was in cloud nine the whole time, with my dearest yan treating me extra nice and everything. and he was so adorable when i read the card he made for me! i loved it! i prob should take some photos of the card and gift, but i'm so lazy now. maybe tmrw, yes?

anw today we went to watch john tucker must die and ate lotsandlotsandlots of sushi (cuz i love sushi!) in the cinema. we prob annoyed the other viewers with the constant crackling of the plastic sushi wrapper, but i was enjoying the company, food, and movie too much to care. hahaha. and and! we ate the topless 5 at swensen's! and despite the 'topless' description, we had marshmallow topping together with it. but i was mad and geram at this boy sitting a couple of tables away from us. he stole our marshmallow topping by telling the waiter that yes, he did order it! ish.

but nvm! i'm now still waiting for yan to finish praying at ahliwal (did i spell it correctly?). i got back from my terawih about an hour and a half ago, and i've not been doing much since then. ;p so i'm borrreeedd la. haha.

well ok i think i'll go soak my makeup applicators now. my mom's been bugging me to do so since ages ago cuz of the consistent existence of pimples on my face. -_-.

till then!

nj laid bare @ 11:27 PM

Hols over.

Hey peeps! Today for your information, is a very special day for someone, not me, but for my dearest Nurul! It's her 19th birthday everyone! do wish her if you were to visit this blog. and i hope you had a great bday celebration baby!

And vacation is almost over. not say it's a big vacati0n anyway, mostly FYP. damn. but nvm, school is resuming on monday. Last semester , Ufooooo! anw, gotta go. catcha later!

OH! and once again, HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY NURUL!!! May all your wishes come true, dan syukur alhamdulillah, panjang umurnya. I love you babester.

cinaboy laid bare @ 12:02 AM

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

hi. past few days have been kinda hectic la. This period of time, is SUPPOSED to be MY VACATION. 1 MONTH dammit. but nooooo. everyday is spent in that lab, 9-5pm doing nothing but gel, gel, and more gel running. and when my group sees our supervisor, we don't get anything but scolding,criticising, screaming and vomiting of blood over our gel photos. sigh, things aren't getting any better. but i just can't wait for this FYP thingy to be over.

however, no matter how stressed i am, nurul is ALWAYS ALWAYS there to see me after my FYP. Really, my stress-reliever. we have our dinner at FoodHaven in SP. then we get to share about our day. her day at school, and my day at the lab. wow. anw, nurul will always tell me about this one girl of what she's wearing and what handphone she is using. Like a stalker ain't it? but hahahah, very cute of her, so nvm. after the dinner, we head back to woodlands where she will either 168 me or i'll walk her home. anw, i just wanna thank you la nurul for meeting me after my FYP. YOure the best!! love you.

catcha' later. cboy.

cinaboy laid bare @ 11:11 PM

Jannah --

Extremely flatulent

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Alfiyan --

A real life terminator

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

well it's not my fault that i have flatulence! ;p

today me and yan went window shopping at cwp and it depressed me how everything is so expensive. i wish i have lots and lots of money so that i can buy all the clothes and accessories in the world. but not only for myself, of course! ;p yan saw this really cool pair of jeans for himself, and i saw many clothes i'd like to have for myself, too, but as usual there's always the question of whether my size is available. PLUS the ever-existing issue of money. or lack thereof, more like.

but anyhoots.

yay my birthday is coming soon! i don't know why i'm so excited, seeing how it's just a step closer to entering the 20s (eek!). maybe it's because it's the very first birthday i will be celebrating with yan. heheh. ;)

okay i better go now, my mom needs to check her mail or something. take care, all!

nj laid bare @ 10:10 PM

Friday, September 15, 2006

halo halo people!

yay another odd week is over! i absolutely dread odd weeks simply because it's when i have aaallll my tutorials (most of which are on Wednesday) which equals more work to do. but i survived, so yay. ;)

so this week i made friends with a girl from malay studies who just so happens to be the girlfriend of my primary school classmate. the world really is proving to be smaller and smaller every day, cuz somehow almost everyone new i know is connected to someone i already know from before. cool, eh?

plus i also finally mustered up enough courage to approach shaza, a girl i know from primary school, but i was only brave enough to msg her on friendster. i'm pretty relieved i did that so now i won't feel like such a stalker - i used to report to alfiyan what she was wearing almost every day! but anw she's in 3 of the modules i'm taking, so we'll be seeing each other practically every day.

me and alfiyan watched 2 movies this week, and they were both awesome! i have no doubt at all that the company i was with (i.e. alfiyan) had much to do with me enjoying myself. thanks sayang!

i'm loving you more and more every day. <3

anw i think i shall go now and look for new blogskins again. this one feels kinda weird.

till then!

nj laid bare @ 11:37 PM


TGIF. wow this week has been one hella hectic week as usual. FYP what else. however, by the end of the week, Qiagen DNA isolation was finally almost perfected and the RAPD produced many bands on the gel, FINALLY. Well done team, dan nic and me, we gotta nail this shit.

So, last sunday, there was a climbing carnival at expo hall 4b called ClimbOn! 06. the routes were fun. i had fun. nurul was there to experience the feel of the event, she's a spectator but next year, she will be climbing in it.haha,thanks baby for being there and to help me carry my stuff. hahah, by the afternoon there were dozens of climbers all around the different walls and i had to queue up for my turn to attempt the routes. i was lazy to wait and then left off with nurul to watch LITTLE MAN! it's a hilarious movie i tell you. go watch it.

heh, that's me attempting a 900 points route.

oooh, sexy sexy. gruff aftermath of climbing. i was lucky enough not to suffer from any torn skin or anything like that. but my finger joints were like omg.My gear. Won't climb without the essentials.

Well thats that. Just now FYP was a brief one. i left the lab at 1pm and went off to fetch nurul from school. It was raining balls and poodles just now la, luckily i had an umbrella. nurul was looking rather HOT today, and like every other day, but anw, she was using her black flowery skirt and a vneck top and a white hairband. my fav!!! so yea, hotness. love you babester. then we went off to have lunch at Hazwani's (just gotta love that place) and then headed to causeway point to watch THE HOST. very nice movie, you ppl should catch it. kinda comical though. but the monster is like some mutated giant tadpole-piranha hybrid. one thing. the dad. he's kinda dumb but pitiful ah. after that i went to send hurul off at her block and i made my way back to eastland. haha what a great day i had thanks to HER! aishiteru.

look at that, how can i not freakin' melt when i see her and go out with her, wah cannot tahaaaan. as for me, sheesh, stupid face.

cboy out.

cinaboy laid bare @ 11:03 PM

Thursday, September 14, 2006

MIA-me no more.

hey wazzup peepsalomaz! i know it's been ages since ive last posted an entry, well thing is, i've been kinda busy with my Final Year Project(FYP). Sheesh, it's no walk in the park i tell you. Everyday, 10am-5pm, wah can die...and well it seems like most of the other FYP groups are also facing somewhat certain problems in their FYP, ranging from not getting any good results or worse, the reagents that they ordered have not arrived since the day they kickstarted their FYP. FYP... more like 'Fail-You-Pussies'. hmmm. Oh well, but i know my group and the other groups will eventually nail this FYP shiat. WE CAN DO IT! Allez!

And i've gotten my semester results, i didn't perform that well for this semester cuz the papers were kinda twisty. but oh well, all B and B+ and one C+. not so bad, but could've done better. but nvm, the new sem is starting in app one week, so i hope i could do better this LAST sem in SP and maintain my GPA above 3. i can do it. i know i can.

My timetable next semester kinda sucks though. I start at 9am on mondays and the rest of the week...8am!!! wtf. sigh. not only that, fyp will take up my free hours after sch. so 8am-5pm? daily?! screwed. but the teachers are relatively okay(some are bawring though) and i only got like 2 exam papers next sem, however that leaves me with alot alot alot of tests along the semester. yay.

Well anw, me and nurul are doing good so far, yea she's right i do love her.

Ok thats all for now. signing out.


cinaboy laid bare @ 4:44 PM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

so how do you find this new skin?

i feel really lethargic today, probably because my school day started at 10am and only ended at 6pm. ;/ i still managed to have lunch with yan at sp (we didn't finish the food that we bought from impulsive greediness), though, so that kinda improved my otherwise dull day. PLUS he picked me up from school, too! =)

i really think we're meant to be together because despite everything that we've been through as a couple, we're still going strong. i love you so much, alfiyan.

so today i didn't do much work at all. i'll be behind in my readings yet again if this keeps up. and philosophy is always messing with my mind. seriously why would anyone want to think so much about the definitions of things like holiness and virtue?

ok i know this isnt much of an entry, but i gtg! see you later.

nj laid bare @ 11:16 PM